Saturday, March 9, 2013

Howdy Stranger

I feel like I haven't posted in forever... Probably because it's true. I kind of dropped off the face of the blogging world for a bit. But guess what? I'M BACK!

So lets see, where to begin with catching up... the biggest change that I can think to tell is my little family and I now live in Colorado!. That's right.. we said good bye to Sunny California and Hello to The Denver Area of Colorado. It's been a few weeks now and so far we totally love it. The snow is still new and exciting for now.. even though I'm sure I'll grow to hate it like everyone else. For now it's a lot of settling in and getting things situated.

But i have even more exciting news.. Guess who now has a gym membership with 24HourFitness? That's right..This girl! It's amazing and I am really enjoying the classes. I'm thinking I will do some reviews for the classes in case anyone is interested in trying them out.

Anywho all the "vacation/moving weight" is gone and I am officially back under 200! it's been a bit longer than I wasted and it's been quite the fight getting back there but i am not stopping. My wedding is 7 Months away and I am determined to wear that mini dress downtown without feeling like a fatbitch prowling the streets for my bachelorette party.
I don't think I'll try... I don't think I might do it... I don't think it's possible... I KNOW I CAN. And I KNOW I WILL.

:) Now how's that for a positive attitude.