Wednesday, April 10, 2013

i'm doing a MudRun!

     This Saturday is my first mud run! lets face's my first run period. I've never been a runner. I'm the chick who would walk in P.E for the mile and if the teacher did get me to pick up my pace i would only be able to "jog" for a few seconds before slowing back down to a walk. 
I'd love to say I'm much better now, but the fact is i probably still weigh more than i did back then and i can't run for much longer.. but I'm getting better! i have been doing interval running (run, walk, run, walk run)and i am now much faster on my mile time and i can actually go a few minuets running without wanting to drop down and die. ;) 
We will see how it goes but i have a feeling it is going to be such a blast! plus anything with a free beer at the end you can count me in! 

Dirty girl mud run..  I hope you're ready for team TBAD!! - "These Bitches Are Dirty"

Expect pictures next week!! 

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