Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Getting back on track

Years of bad habits don't just go away. You're going to have bad days.. or in my case bad weeks. After getting my tattoo i sat around for 4 days with no exercise and then only did a few occasional short ones for the next few days.. I found myself craving fast food.. and giving in!! I even argued with myself in my head the other night over driving to taco bell at 8:30 at night. Guess what this fat chick did? I went and got it!  The next day I felt shitty about myself.  I have only gained 2lbs since my last weigh in but even so i still didn't feel that happy glow I had when i was losing instead of gaining...So today I woke up with the attitude of getting back on track! Even though I still shouldn't wear shoes I did a full low impact workout like I was doing before. Now I feel great about myself.. I'm telling myself yes you slipped up.. ok move on!  Everyday is a new beginning.  Back on track! :)

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