Friday, October 5, 2012

Today's Workout

After weighing myself today I was upset to find out I had gained 3lbs.. well that's just fabulous! Sooo...After walking away from that number I had a healthy breakfast (2 eggs, 1 egg white, spinach, and bell pepper scramble. ) to start the day off better.  I decided I wanted to workout this evening mostly because I was feeling lazy..lets me honest. And also because I was hesitant to be putting on my shoes for the first time since getting my tattoo.  So after the Braves game (they were robbed by that crap of a call by the way) And after wrapping my foot really well before putting my shoes on, we headed out as a family for a walk before dinner.

J and Layla along for the ride!
The game had lasted longer than we expected so it was beautiful out.. nothing like a walk at sunset to make you feel good.  We didn't walk long because I was feeling a bit nervous about what the walking was doing to my foot but we got in over a mile. It felt nice putting on my shoes and getting out again. Although I will admit it did make me a bit sad that I should wait another 1-3 weeks before letting loose in the running shoes. After that I would really like to start the Couch to 5k program.  We'll see...
How could this view not put you in a good mood! 

After my run I decided it wasn't enough for the day so I did a couple videos that I found on pinterest

 This one video is killer! It's only a 10 minuet arm workout but it really works those arms! I love it! I think I will incorporate it a few times a week to help out with my arm progress! Give it a try! You won't be disappointed!

10 Minuet Arm Workout  by

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