Friday, September 28, 2012

30 Day Shred Results!

I started the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred a few weeks after i started working out.

At the beginning it was rough! lets face it i was out of shape and the only way to fix that was keep going! I did mostly the modified moves on level 1 and around half and half on level 2
Level 3 I could almost do all of the advance moves (not easily but i did em! lol)
And i took 3 rest days total. One every level.
The First picture is from around 7-10 days before i started the shred
The Middle Picture is after i finished level 1
And the Third picture was today after finishing round 3.
  I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking to it! And i also think I'm not quite ready to part ways with the shred. After a couple rest days i think i will start it over for Round 2! Hopefully i have just as good results the second time! I think I'll also incorporate some walking/running too.
Either Way I'm down 2lbs this week and I am only 8lbs away from my first goal of making it under 200! I originally wanted to do this by the new year but it looks like i am going to finish faster than i thought. Which is amazing. We will have to see what the new year brings... a new me perhaps? we will see!

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