Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Taco Salad

I Love Tacos! What i don't love is how many calories the shells are. Although if you get the extra thin ones they really aren't that bad.  But anyways i wanted to switch things up tonight and we didn't have that many shell left so i thought.. taco salad!
It's so so good! and this whole plate was only 318 Calories! :)

you will need:



(i use 1/2 fat free 1/2 reduced fat cheddar)

Ground turkey, beef, bison, chicken.. whatever you have.
(I used leftover 1/2 turkey1/2 bison taco meat from the other night)
Chopped tomatoes

1 tortilla shell
(i used the extra thin)


Hot sauce

and taco seasoning if you aren't using leftover taco meat.

First i preheated the oven to 400, sprayed the tortillas with cooking spray and a little bit of salt. Put cut into strips and put in the oven (6-10 min) 
Then put lettuce in the bowl and top with taco meat
and layer on your toppings as you like them and finish with salsa and hot sauce if you like it. sour cream would be great too but we didn't have any tonight lol .
You could use any toppings you like really and with only one shell the calories are really low!
It was Delicious :)

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