Thursday, September 20, 2012

Making Progress!

 When you're trying to lose weight i think one of the best parts is feeling and seeing how your clothes start to get loose.  It makes me feel even better than a lower number on the scale i think (although that's a close second ;).   I noticed a slight change in my clothing a few weeks ago but not really much of a drastic change.  This week on the other hand not only do i feel a huge difference i see a huge difference too. Let me tell you It.Feels.Great! This change is doing so much for me.. I feel better about myself and I also care less about what others think of me.. because honestly I'm proud of what I'm doing so if they aren't then screw em! I know I'm doing something great... something worth while.. Something For Me!

Ok ok ok.. stop blabbing and get to the photos :P
 Here they are! 
Loosey Goosy Jeans
Another Pair So loose! :D
HAHAHA look what i can do! This was just to good not to post.. i laugh but I'm also very proud of what I've accomplished so far! Can't wait until I'm camping out in these jeans next year!

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