Thursday, September 13, 2012

A month of busting my ass

So 11 Days after deciding i was going to do it this time i decided to take a "before picture".  I had been eating right, counting my calories using and exercising for 20 min everyday so i figured it was the next step.. (plus you can't have a rockin' after picture if you don't take a before picture)

For the next month i continued what i was doing and even decided to take on Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (I'm currently on day 17 now)
I didn't see any change in the mirror even though i was losing weight and my pants began to get baggy.
Either way it was a pretty successful month so i took another picture.. One month of eating right and exercising...

 i can't wait for another 30 days to take another picture. i plan on taking them monthly on the 6th. (that's the genius random day i took the first picture lol)

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