Thursday, September 27, 2012

Random Day

Today was an interesting day. After my workout I had planned to go shopping for new shoes this afternoon but after accidentally falling asleep with my son putting him down for his nap and slept for 3 hours!! I couldn't believe it. I was angry lol. Also a woman i had contacted who had some old window frames i wanted to use for the wedding contacted me and had time this afternoon. So after all that was done and we got our windows(score!!)  I still needed to go shopping.

After around an hour starting at the different shoes available still not understanding what the big difference between all the different types of shoes (Running, track, sport, athletic jeez and here i thought a shoe was a shoe! lol wrong apparently ha. ) I finally picked out a pair and booked it out of there before spending any more money! DAMN those shoes are pricey. But i have heard that if you are serious about working out and getting fit then skimping on shoes is not a good idea.

Once we we're out of there i thought the temptation of workout clothes was over.. wrong again! Since of course i strolled by the workout area of target and just had to have another pair of pants and another sports bra! I knew i wanted a top for this weekend which is my last weekend with one of my best friends before she gets stationed overseas. :(... But unfortunately I spent the money on workout stuff again.. ah well I'm sure i have something in my closet that has been to tight for years that will fit me now.. i just need to go shopping in my own closet.. a lot cheaper too ;) Luckily i saved a lot of my old clothes saying to myself "just in case i get to be that size again" even though i never believed i would until now. I know i will fit into every piece of clothing i have in my closet in the future.. hopefully the near future.. it feels great!

My new Shoes, Capri's, and Sports bra! Love them :)

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