Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pushed through an 'I feel crappy' day!

I knew i wasn't lucky enough to not get my son's cold he has had for the past few days and sure enough this morning i woke up with a little cough and a stuffed up nose. GREAT!!..
 With some advise and a little push from some fellow mamas i decided to go ahead with my workout for the day.. it was tough getting started and i stalled for over an hour before actually getting to it but i did it!
I actually feel better now too! A Little but 'off' but not sick so hopefully i won't wake up feeling like death tomorrow.  I did however have to force myself to eat this morning and after noon since i just didn't feel hungry.. turns out its a good thing since my fiance decided he wanted pizza and then forgot to order it skinny crust for me... yup thanks babe! twice the calories :/...ugh anyways i got my workout in and i stayed under my calories even with pizza for dinner.. yay! I'd say it was a successful day!

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